· Define: Objectives
Decide on what improvements to make, agree on who the audience is, prioritize, determine what will make the training curricula successful, and establish a glossary of terms.
· Explore: History
Review history of the existing training, collect examples or other attempts, talk to the thought leaders and end users, build consensus.
· Seek: Ideas
Identify content and touchpoints. Determine needs and motivations of end users, generate as many ideas as possible to serve those intended needs, log brainstorming without judgment.
· Invent: Prototypes
Combine, expand and refine ideas. Create multiple drafts, seek feedback from a diverse group of people – including end users, present a selection of ideas for the training curricula and maintain neutrality.
· Garner: Training Platform
Choose the most powerful idea, assign tasks, implement and provide the deliverable, as training curricula.
· Navigate: Transformation
Gather feedback from the client and end-user, determine if the training curricula met its goals, discuss what could be improved, measure success.